Thursday, July 26, 2007

No such thing as a free show

A couple of weeks ago on a Sunday, I called my friend Peter to see what he was up to. He had read a write up about a band performing outdoors with 77 drummers and wanted to check it out. I was totally up for it, and we set a time to meet up.

When I arrived there, the line was at least a half mile long and the venue was already half way filled to capacity. We didn't bother waiting and I found out later they turned away most people on that line.

This happens quite a bit in NY during the summertime. There are many free shows, so even if someone is only sort of interested in seeing the band, they'll definitely attend a show if there isn't an entrance fee.

But the downside is that those that have a strong desire to see the show end up either getting turned away, or having an unpleasantly long wait, or can't enjoy the show fully because of the sheer number of people. And usually at venues like McCarren park where there are other activities like dodge ball and water slides, little attention is actually paid to band most of the time. And speaking as someone who likes to concentrate on the music when I see a show, that gets really annoying.

One could argue that free shows open up exposure to a new audience, but I think most people that go to free summer outdoor concerts do so with the sole purpose of getting drunk with their friends, not to hear new music.

I'm sure there's some economics theory to back this up like lowering entrance barriers, but I propose that there be entrance fees to all shows in NY. The number of music fans in NY is just too large to have a free show be enjoyable. I'd be interested in hearing your viewpoints on this issue.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I will say....

Work is way more fun when you have crush.


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Colorful memories of the wild west

Ari, Karol, Dawn and I spent last weekend in the most glorious state I've ever been to- Montana. I would put it right above Oregon on my Most Beautiful States I've
Visited list. Everytime I looked up, I saw endless blue. And everytime I looked straight, I saw distant mountains with distinct shades of emerald. And everytime I looked down, I saw my sneakers covered in lovely brown dry climate dust instead of black soot. Being back in Manhattan, I keep recalling these vivid scenes, and keep thinking about our wonderful hosts without whom this trip would not have taken place.

I also attended a rodeo where I was convinced that I must find a boyfriend with the name of Cody Miller or Tyler McMillan. And preferably, they should be able to stay on a bull for over 1 minute.

Anyways, I definitely plan on coming back to this little paradise in the wild west. But first, I must go hat shopping.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

For a minute there, I lost myself.

I realize I'm not the only one to list Radiohead as their favorite band, but I think this is going a bit too far.

Via Brooklyn Vegan


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Award for saddest song that came up on my IPOD today goes to....

Elvis Costello's 'Baby Plays Around'.

It's not open to discussion anymore
She's out again tonight and I'm alone once more
She's all I have worth waiting for
But baby plays around
And so it seems I've always been the last to know
To hold on to that girl, I had to let her go
I wish to God I didn't love her so
'Cos baby plays around


Friday, July 06, 2007

Maybe not

Y'know, if medical funding keeps going to idiotic studies like this instead of actually trying to find a cure for cancer, I'm moving to Canada.


Thursday, July 05, 2007


I'm in the midst of 'breaking up' with a friend. I've never broken up with a friend before since I tend to forgive and forget very easily. As long as I know they are a good person at heart, I usually get over most stupid and thoughtless actions. But I guess this an exception because I do think this person has a good heart and genuinely good intentions. However, she possesses a certain character flaw that I cannot deal with which is, in my eyes, not being able to associate right from wrong.

I know this is kind of vague and subjective, but I've recently found it very interesting/disgusting how many aspects of a person's life this can bleed into. It starts from having sympathy for a stabber who gets convicted, to Palestinians who just can't lead a normal life, to an acquaintance of ours who has clear malicious intent. It has never ceased to amaze how many excuses a person can come up with for acts of hate/violence/non violent misbehavior.

For me it's less a feeling of anger. The logic that leads to this sympathy is so foreign to me, and it gets to the point that no matter how much fun I can have with this person, there's only so much I can relate to before I get extremely confused, like I'm lost in a maze and I'm not sure how to get out. It's an odd reaction, but it's the best way I can describe the feeling of not wanting to associate with a person anymore.


Monday, July 02, 2007


So let's say hypothetically you had just finished a 30 mile bikeride. It was your first bikeride of the season, you were sweaty, gross, and tired, had just dragged your bike on the subway, were ready for a hot bath, and had no intention of talking to anyone on your way home.

And then a past obsession of yours walks on the subway, sits down, and has a vacant seat next to him. He's a C list celebrity, someone you've seen in concert a number of times, and is probably a very approachable person. You fantasize about having an amazing conversation about music and pasts and pain and family and love and religion and goals. You want to tell him about the demo you are recording and ask if he lives in New York now.

But you don't. Do you move on, or bang your fists on that subway door regretting your decision?....


Yet again: Idiots using our tax dollars

Yet another example of how government-run programs only lend themselves to more headaches and inefficent spending, is the National Flood Insurance Program. Basically, since insurance companies have to charge extremely high premiums in flood-prone areas due to the risk that multiple homes will be demolished after a flood, homeowners insurance does not include flood coverage. So, the government stepped in with the NFIP. However, the goverment has no idea how to plan for the risks they are taking. They do not have sufficient reserves to cover future claims, and they can't raise premiums since it's now a political issue. Hurricane Katrina left the NFIP in billions of dollars in debt, so finally, the House has decided to do something about it and just passed reforms.

There are some positive outcomes like premiums charged must be 'actuarially sound' so that the NFIP can actually build up a reserve. Also, they will place a penalty on mortgage lenders who fail to require flood insurance in high-risk areas.

This is all well and good, but the NFIP still has billions of dollars in debt to repay, and there is still zero incentive for anyone to buy flood insurance since the governments kicks in through disaster relief. Also there is no mention of what seems to be most problematic and crippling, the vicious cycle of repeated flooding in coastal areas. You'd think there would be someone over there that would address this issue before another Hurricane Katrina hits.
